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Spinal Flow is a healing technique that works with the the 7 Gateways and 33 Access Points along the spine. Founded by Dr. Carli Axford, this technique provides a gentle yet powerful pathway to creating positive, healing change in the body, mind and spirit. 


Life can be challenging and stressful. Spinal Flow works to help your body locate and release layers of physical, chemical and emotional stress that have been stored in your nervous system, sometimes for years or even decades. These layers of stored stress often result in blockages in the spine, which then result in impaired nerve function to organs, muscles and systems in the body. As the layers of stored stress are released during a spinal flow session, the blockages that have been present begin to release. This can result in decreased pain and better posture, as well as restored function to the spine, muscles and organs of the body.


As the Spinal Flow Practitioner uses light touch to connect with the access points along the spine, the essential life force of the client is increased, sending a spinal wave of ease and well-being throughout the nervous system. As this spinal wave is encouraged and supported, the clients own innate healing intelligence directs what is needed. The brain picks up the signals of increased ease and well-being, as layers of stress melt away and blockages release.  The effects can be quite amazing and clients often report feelings of peace, clarity, reduced pain and increased well-being after just one session. 


Your Spinal Flow practitioner will do an initial health history and posture assessment intake with you on your first visit. You will have time to share the health and wellness concerns that are on your mind. Working as partners in creating a new level of overall health, you and your Spinal Flow practitioner will discuss what your body is indicating with your assessments and together you will make a plan for how you wish to proceed.


Hand Touching Water

The Spinal Flow Technique works by understanding the 7 Gateways of the Spine, and what originates in each one. Our physical health, mental and emotional balance, and connection to our soul level awareness are all connected to the health of our spine and nervous system.  


By understanding what is connected to each of the 7 Gateways and using specific access points, the Spinal Flow Practitioner can work with your body in an informed, intentional and effective way to restore function and balance to areas that have been out of alignment.


When we begin to live life from a place of alignment and restored function, we can perceive from a

new perspective and things that once seemed impossible begin to feel effortless. 

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